Getting Started in Family History

If you are thinking about putting together your family tree, you may find the prospect a little daunting. However, with so many genealogy websites and resources now available online, getting started in family history research is much easier than it used to be.

First Steps in Family History

Even with so many online resources available, you should first speak to the family you have around you. They may well be able to assist you in piecing together information about grandparents and great-grandparents that will give you a starting point and some basic information for you to use when you start your searches. See if they have photos, certificates, or other documents that give you more information or clues.  

Once you have sketched out the relations of your immediate family, you will be able to find more information online to fill out any gaps.  

Using Online Family History Services

There are some free-to-use services online, but these may not have access to all the records that you want. For example, some will have all the latest available information on various censuses that have taken place. Still, others may focus more on parish records.

It is worth remembering that in 1837, it became compulsory to register births, marriages, and deaths centrally. These records are usually available through the family history sites. Still, if there are any gaps, a visit to your local register office may help you get to the bottom of any mysteries. These details, along with census records, should help you to compile your family history back to 1837 reasonably easily.