Choosing a Family History Website

There are undoubtedly plenty of options available for finding a subscription family history website to help you build your family tree; so, which site will be right for you? This is a difficult question to answer. Each site has its unique advantages and disadvantages.


The first step is to find out as much as you can about each of the sites. Some offer a trial period of a month before they start to charge you, and it is a good idea to sign up for these trials. Keep a note of when you signed up and if you don’t want to continue your subscription, make sure you cancel before the renewal to prevent any payment from being taken.  

Test the sites properly while you have the chance. Do a few searches and see what options come up as results. For example, does it automatically search all of its records, or does it expect you to explore each set individually?  

Work Out Your Budget

The sites all cost different amounts, and you can usually opt for a monthly, six-monthly, or annual subscription. You also need to consider whether or not you want access to worldwide records as this will cost more than just the UK or the US, for example. It depends a great deal on how widespread your ancestors are. Look at the costs for each type of subscription and see if it meets your budget. It is also worth signing up for newsletters from each of the sites. They regularly do special offers where the cost for a six or 12-month subscription is heavily discounted, which may be helpful to you if you have limited funds.